This article describes how to perform a backup of the visitor id, then download and install the latest version of visitor id on another master PC, then restore the visitor id database on this new master PC.
Please note:
- You need visitor id v3.2.0.132 or higher to perform the below instructions. Please check your visitor id version and upgrade to the latest version if required.
- Make sure you read all steps prior to starting the transfer.
- Backup the visitor id database using these instructions: Perform a visitor id Database Backup.
- Once the backup is complete, close visitor id.
- Navigate to the backup location and copy the backup zip file to the new PC.
- On the new PC, unzip the backup zip file into a temp folder.
- Download and install the latest version of visitor id: Download visitor id.
- IMPORTANT: Before clicking the ‘Finish’ button on the ‘Setup Wizard Complete’ screen of the installation process, copy the ‘visitorid.bak’ file from the temp folder and place it into the ‘C:\Program Data\visitorid\Setup’ folder, overwriting the existing file.
- If you click the ‘Finish’ button without following this step, please follow these instructions and then carry on with steps 8 and 9:
- Close visitor id and any error messages that may have appeared.
- Navigate to this folder: ‘C:\Users\Public\Documents\visitor id’.
- Open this file: ‘visitorid.ini’.
- Change the line ‘Setup Database=2’ to ‘Setup Database=1’.
- Save and close the ‘visitorid.ini’ file.
- Copy the ‘visitorid.bak’ file from the temp folder and place it into the ‘C:\Program Data\visitorid\Setup’ folder, overwriting the existing file.
- Run visitor id.
- If you click the ‘Finish’ button without following this step, please follow these instructions and then carry on with steps 8 and 9:
- Now click the ‘Finish’ button on the ‘Setup Wizard Complete’ screen.
- If you receive an error titled ‘FM3’, follow these instructions:
- Close the error message.
- Navigate to the ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\visitorid’ folder.
- Double click the file ‘vidFM.exe’ and wait until you see a blank grey screen.
- Close the ‘vidFM’ program.
- Run visitor id.
- If you receive a ‘Licenced Copies Exceeded’ window, follow these instructions:
- Click the ‘Manage’ button.
- Highlight the old visitor id master PC. Click the ‘Delete’ button.
- Click the ‘Close’ button.
- Restart visitor id if required.
Congratulations! You have now transfered visitor id to another master PC.
If you experience any errors or issues other than those explained in this article, please contact the Future IT Support Team.