This article describes how to install visitor id on the master PC.
- Download the visitor id Master Setup installer from the Downloads page: Download visitor id
- Run the visitor id Master Setup installer by double clicking the downloaded file. Administrator rights are required to run the visitor id Master Setup installer. If prompted, enter the administrator username and password.
- If prompted by User Account Control, press the ‘Yes’ button:
- Select the language to install, then click the ‘OK’ button. The default language is ‘English (US)’:
- If prompted, install all the pre-requisites by clicking the ‘Yes’ button on each prompt:
- When the ‘Welcome to the visitor id Setup’ window appears, click the ‘Next’ button:
- In the ‘License Agreement’ window, choose the ‘I accept the terms in the license agreement’ option, then click the ‘Next’ button:
- In the ‘Destination Folder’ window, select the destination folder to install visitor id to, then click the ‘Next’ button. The default folder is ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\visitorid’:
- In the ‘Ready to install’ window, click the ‘Next’ button to start the installation:
- visitor id will now install. The installation process may take a minimum of 15 minutes. Please wait until the installation process has completed:
- The installation process may prompt to install .NET 3.5, which is a requirement for kwiklook. Please allow the installation to download and install .NET 3.5.
- The installation process may require your PC or Server to be rebooted. This reboot may be required to complete the installation. If the installation process asks you to reboot the PC more than twice then the installation might need to be aborted due to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 SP3 Express not installing correctly. Please click here for instructions on how to install Microsoft SQL Server manually.
- When the ‘Setup Wizard Complete’ window appears, visitor id has completed installing successfully. Tick the ‘Continue with configuration’ check box then click the ‘Finish’ button to complete the installation and run visitor id for the first time:
- visitor id will be initially installed in ‘Trial Mode’. Click the ‘Continue’ button to open visitor id:
Next Step
visitor id Configuration Wizard